Kendriya Vidyalaya Subathu Recruitment 2022 | Apply Now

Kendriya Vidyalaya Subathu Recruitment 2022 | KV Subathu Job Vacancy 2022

Detailed Information : 

Latest HP Govt Jobs 2022 : Kendriya Vidyalaya 14 GTC Subathu, Solan (H.P.) – 173206 has given an Employment/ Recruitment Notification for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff various posts.

Those candidates and job seekers who are interested in KV Subathu Solan job vacancy details can apply through KV Subathu application form 2022.

KV Subathu Teachers Vacancy 2022 | HP Free Job alert

Important Dates :
Walk In Interview Date28.03.2022 (Monday) from 09:00 AM
PHONE NO. 01792-275070

Detail of Posts, Eligibility Criteria, Qualification of Kendriya Vidyalaya Subathu Recruitment 2022 :

KV Subathu Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Job Vacancy

Recruitment OrganizationKendriya Vidyalaya 14 GTC Subathu, Solan (H.P.)
Post NameTGTs, PGTs, PRT Music, Computer Instructor, Counsellor, Staff Nurse, Sports Coaches, Yoga Instructor
Job LocationSubathu, Himachal Pradesh (HP)
Organization URL
Last Date To Apply28 March 2022
Eligibility Criteria :
PostQualification/Eligibility Criteria
PGT: English, Hindi, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Computer Science,
Economics, Commerce, History,
Geography and Political
Post-Graduation in concerned subject with 50% marks and B.Ed.(for all subjects except C.S.) PGT (Comp. Sc.) BE/B.Tech.(CS/MSE (C..S.) MCA or equivalent qualification as per KVS norms.
TGT : Hindi, English, Maths ,Science, SanskritGraduate with 50% marks in the concerned subject as well as aggregate and B.Ed. Candidates who have passed CTET conducted by CBSE will be preferred.
TGT : Social ScienceGraduation with 50% marks with any two of the following History, Geography, Economics, Political Science of which one must be either History or Geography and B.Ed. Candidates who have passed CTET conducted by CBSE will be preferred.
PRTSenior Secondary School Certificate or intermediate with 50% marks/JBT or Equivalent qualification as per KVS norms. Candidates who have passed CTET conducted by CBSE will be preferred.
PRT ( Music)Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent and Bachelor Degree in Music or equivalent from a recognized University.
Nurse (7 hours per day)Diploma Holder (3 Years Diploma)
Sports CoachesB.P.Ed. , NIS/SAI Coach Certificate or other equivalent degree as per KVS norms
Yoga Teacher1- Graduation in any subject.
2- One year training in Yoga from any recognized institution.
CounsellorBA/B.Sc.(Psychology) with Diploma in counseling or any other equivalent qualification as per KVS norms.
Age Criteria :

Between 18 years to 65 Years

How to Apply
  • Interested and eligible candidates have to reach the school (KV Subathu, Solan) for the interview as per the above given interview timings.
  • You have to fill the application form which you will get from the official website of KV Subathu and attach all the valid documents. Along with this, you have to take all your original documents along with you and reach for the interview.
Important Links Given Below For Latest HP Govt Job Recruitment 2022 :
Official WebsiteClick Here
Download KV Subathu Official Notification / Application FormClick Here

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